Centralized terminal base

Centralized terminal base was established for the implementation of freight transportation by automobile and railway transport, cargo handling, temporary storage and logistics systems of enterprises of NAC Kazatomprom JSC. CTB includes two truck fleets, railway depot, road maintenance facility and “Suzak” terminal base.

The number of  Management apparatus employees according to the staff list is 35 people.

The number of CTB employees according to the staff list is 806 people.

“Taukent”truck fleet

On a sort of performed tasks "Taukent" fleet specializes in the delivery of supplies to the enterprises of NAC Kazatomprom JSC with heavy-duty vehicles mostly carrying dangerous goods, transportation of employees to and from work site, transportation of shift workers to mining site, as well as providing customer requests with a special vehicles and road-building machinery.

To accomplish these tasks "Taukent" fleet has:


Freight yard vehicles:  55 units. including.:  

  • RENAULT     -22 units.
  • Volvo -            - 20 units.
  • MAZ               – 8 units.
  • others            –5 units.


Bus fleet vehicles: 40 units. including.:

  • «Hyundai» buses - 21 units,
  • Laz buses             - 3 units
  • «Marz» buses      - 4 units
  • Daewoo buses     – 6 units
  • others – 6 units

Economic fleet vehciles: 18 units including.:

  • Tipping trucks - 5 units
  • GAZ vehicles – 4 units
  • others – 9 units 

Special fleet vehicles: 6 units including.:

  • Zil 130 PM  -1 units
  • Maz 533702-246 АТЗ56142 – 1 units
  • others – 4 units 

Special fleet vehicles (Lifting machinery): 13 units including.:

  • Cranes  -4 units,
  • Automated lift truck  -5 units
  • others – 4 units

Road-building equipment: 10 units including.:

  • Bulldozers   - 3 units,
  • Dredgers - 4 units
  • Autograder – 1 unit
  • others – 2 units

Car park: 12 units

Trailers and semitrailers: 69 units

“Taukent” fleet based in the Taukent village of Suzak region of South Kazakhstan region has 154 uints of vehicles and 69 units in motor-drawn park. Also in the fleet has a gas station, repair shops, able to perform the full range of maintenance and current repairs of rolling stock.

  • The average distance of transportation of cargoes is 240 km. Monthly volume of cargo exceeds 50,000 tons. Of the total volume of cargo transportation are the main materials:
  • Sulphuric acid - 85%,
  • Chemicals - 5%,
  • Petroleum and oil-fuel – 5%,
  • others – 5%.

The number of “Taukent” fleet employees according to the staff list is 358 people.

            The work of fleet is carried out in accordance with customers' requests.

On a sort of the tasks performed fleet specializes in the transportation of workers to mining sites and back, ensuring the application of "Stepnoe RU" LLP trucks and special vehicles, and RCE.           

  To accomplish these tasks "Kyzemshek" fleet has:

Freight yard vehicles: 12 units including.:

  • MAZ – 10 units
  • Kamaz – 2 units

Bus fleet vehicles: 5 units including.:

  • “LAZ” buses -1 unit,
  • «DАЕWОО» buses - 2 units
  • others – 2 units

Economic fleet vehciles: 9 units including.:

  • Zil  - 2 units,
  • UAZ – 7 units  

Special fleet vehicles and Lifting machinery: 29 units including.:

  • Автокраны  -4 ед,
  • Автопогрузчики  -2 ед
  • ГАЗ – 12 units
  • ЗИЛ- 5 units
  • Others – 6 units

Road-building equipment: 21 units including.:

  • Bulldozers   -4 units,
  • Tractor - 7 units
  • Autograder –3 units
  • Dredger – 2 units
  • others – 5

Trailers and semitrailers: 13 units

          “Kyzemshek” fleet based in the Kyzemshek village of Suzak region of South Kazakhstan region has 76 uints of vehicles and 12 units in motor-drawn park. Also in the fleet has a gas station, repair shops, able to perform the full range of maintenance and current repairs of rolling stock

            The average distance of transportation of cargoes is 82 km. Monthly volume of cargo exceeds 50,000 tons. Of the total volume of cargo transportation are the main materials:

  • PGS - 38%, 
  • Sorbent  -19 %,
  • Water –18%,
  • Strippant –17%,
  • others -8%.

The number of “Kyzemshek” fleet employees according to the staff list is 167 people.

The work of fleet is carried out in accordance with customers' requests.


“Suzak” terminal base

Main objectives of “Suzak” terminal base are Основными задачами  Перевалочной базы «Сузак» receiving, unloading, storage and shipment arrived by rail and road transport of goods and materials to be delivered to mines and mining enterprises pf LLPs of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, processing and shipment by rail and road transport of goods and materials and HKPU.


“CTB” terminal base of includes:

Warehouse of liquid reagents for the reception, storage and distribution of sulfuric acid:

  • eight storage tanks each with a volume of 630 cubic meters, a total capacity of 8700 tons;
  • collection point for sulfuric acid with a pumping station;
  • six points of filling sulfuric acid in water tankers.

 Warehouse of dry reagents for the reception, storage and distribution of ammonium nitrate and ammonium carbonates with capacity of 3 500 tones

 Warehouse of fuel and lubricants for the reception, storage and fuel release:

  • three tanks for diesel fuel storage with a volume of 400 cubic meters, a total capacity of 1020 tons;
  • seven storage tanks for gasoline A-80 with a volume of 50 cubic meters, with a total capacity of 260 tons;
  • two storage tanks A-92 with the capacity of 50 cubic meters, with a total capacity of 75 tons;
  • five storage tanks for kerosene with the volume of 25 cubic meters, with a total capacity of 100 tons;
  • three fuel receiving points with pumping units;
  • three fuel release points with pumping units.


The fuel oil facilities for receiving, storing and dispensing of fuel oil:

- Three oil storage tanks with capacity of 2000 cubic meters each, with a total capacity of 5130 tons;

  • oil receiving point;
  • point of filling of oil in a tanker;
  • boiler room for heating oil in the winter.

 Unit of preparing ammonia water, with a capacity of 30 m3 per 12 hours 2 tankers of 400 m3 each


Goods warehouse:

  • covered warehouses with total area of 3400 sq.m..;
  • open storage facilities with a total area of 95 700 sq.m.;
  • storage area for finished products the total area of 2 000 square meters.;
  • Two tower cranes of 10 tons each with crane tracks.

The number of “Kyzemshek” terminal base employees according to the staff list is 149.

Railway depot

Main objectives of railway section is to receive loaded wagons from Zhanatas KTZ, carrying out necessary procedures on documents preparation, transportation of loaded wagons to local railways of “Suzak” terminal base for unloading, transportation of empty cars and wagons with finished products back to Zhanatas KTZ station, providing services on transportation of loads to external organizations.

The railwat section includes 3 stations:

  • Zhanatas station, receiving of cargoes arriving via KTZ railroad;
  • Suzak station, distribution of goods on the relevant warehouses.
  • Chulakkurgan station - intermediate.

On the territory of the site, located in Zhanatas, there is Depot intended for parking and maintenance of locomotives.

railway track from Zhanatas station to Suzak station with length of 84 km, according to which goods, locomotives 2TE-10 series in the amount of 2 units, delivered to the terminal station stores;

 Railway office has 95 railcars intended for the carriage of sulfuric acid, 5 railcars for carriage of fuel, 3 shunting locomotives for carrying out shunting operations when receiving railcars, car gatherings and car spotting on warehouses.

The number of Railway section employees according to the staff list is 82 people


Road maintenance facility

 Road maintenance facility, is a separate structural unit of “CTB” the branch of “TTC” LLP, established in order to ensure the necessary level of transport and operating condition of roads and road facilities, the organization of timely, high-quality maintenance and current repairs of roads in accordance with the classification of types of work.

The length of the technological roads are on balance Daewoo СЕИ TOTAL: 170.3 km

  • Taukent – Kanzhugan –  24 km.   
  • Kanzhugan – Moyinkum– 13,3 km.   
  • Zhuan Tobe – Kyzemhsek – 58 km.       
  • Kyzemhsek – PV-19    – 62 km.       
  • Sholakkorgan Bypass Road– 13 km.

The number of Road maintenance facility employees according to the staff list is 82 people